Milk Barfi

৳ 140.00৳ 3,150.00



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৳ 140.00৳ 3,150.00

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Step I:

  • Heat ghee in a pan. If you are using butter, heat till it melts and becomes light golden in color.
    ⅓ cup Ghee, or Brown Butter
  • Add whole milk and bring it to boil on low flame. Keep stirring to prevent it from burning at the bottom.
    1 cup Whole Milk
  • Once you see the milk start bubbling add the milk powder in increments of ¾ cup and keep whisking while adding so that there are no lumps.
    ¾ cup Fine sugar
  • Continue stirring this on low flame for 2 to 3 minutes.

Step II:

  • Add sugar and mix everything together. Continuously keep stirring on low flame for exactly 10 minutes till the mixture forms like a ball or dough and ghee starts separating from the pan.  (Check tips)
    3 cups Milk Powder
  • Add cardamom powder, mix and switch off the flame.
    ¼ teaspoon Cardamom powder

Step III:

  • Transfer this mixture to a greased plate or pan. Smooth with back of spoon or spatula.
  • Garnish with nuts and press gently with spatula. Let this set for about 1 ½ to 2 hours. Once it sets cut them into desired shape.
    2 tablespoon Almonds or Badam Chopped for garnish
  • Milk Burfis or Barfis are now ready. Store in air tight container for 5 days or in refrigerator upto 2 weeks.

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৳ 140.00৳ 3,150.00

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